Saturday, May 23, 2009

awshum day~

< sooo, i realized i have not blogged for a really really long time now. due to all the consecutive nights of working on summatives, it was close to impossible to find some time to blog and still be awake the next day. now, i usually dont really like blogging bout everything of my day cuz.. its just ..for sake of conversation "pretty normal" like, most ppl blog bout their days anyway... its got to be something special right? Well, for some ppl after reading this, they might be like.. wth? who cares.. buh for me, i thought it was pretty awesome. so im gonna blog bouts it.. yay~
it actually started out pretty normal, waking up on a saturday to go to chinese school... I was thinking, another week of school, and its school.. how fun could it be right? but as the school hours went on, it was actually pretty fun, we basically spent the whole class playing a game while studying for our exam next yr.. oh! and i payed attention. lol. (I probably spent like 5 classes throughout the whole year paying attention but yet still manage to pull off an 85) well, class was over and was picked up by my mom.. i decided to go to stc today because it was Old Navy's $1 flip flop sale. So we drove over to stc, my mom decided to park at Sears cuz parking at the theatres would be too crazy. So we got off and walked through sears... and we walked through the dresses. I saw one that looked okay.. i was browsing cuz i needed one neway for weddings in summer. my mom came over and was like.. wowww. these dresses are soo nice.. kept browsing.. next thing i know.. my mom pulls like 6 dresses out and tells me to try them on. Now, if you know me.. i AM NOT the type of girl that tries on 6 DRESSES at once. but i did anyway ><>
after that, we walked over to Old Navy to buy flip flops... i saw the line and i was ike... uh this is weird, how come theres like.. no body? i walked over to the place where the flip flops were supposed to be, and to my disappointment they were ALL SOLD OUT.. sad. shudbe known...>girls and their shopping habits >
>->here comes the awesomest part!! As i was walking through the food court i saw SOUP!.. yesss! at far i didnt believe it but as he came closer i realized it was him. For the LOONGESSTT time ever, i was wondering to myself.. what would i do if i saw him in public... I kinda just stood there and waved and hoped he saw me cuz he was looking down.. and yay! he saw me... i think i wud have totally shunned myself in a corner if he walked by. But he didntt hahaha yay!! K so, he saw me and he gave me a huggg... yayya! and obviously i hugged him back : DD, and then we had a short convo.. it went something like this:
P:hey, here by yourself?
S:oh.. no, im here with my mom
P:ohh, icc. yahh.
S: are you here by yourself too?
P:um, yah, just picking up some stuff... hahah
S; Hmm.. ic *slaps him on forehead*
P:*slaps backk* kay, i'll see around then
S: alritee.. byebye..
and we just walked off.. we were going diff directions.. ahhh.. that just made my day, i would have never expected to see him there, otherwisee i wouldbe dressed up nicer.. lol, instead of t-shirt, shorts and flipflops.. yah. lil embarassing but still cool.... hahah, omgshhh yaya ^^!!
yah, then after that my whole day was also pretty cool.. went home, practiced some guitar (that i just bought yesterdayyy: D) and msned a bit. then i went to felly. and we made our own pretzels from homemade dough, it tasted really good actually : DD ..
ahhhh!, i couldnt have asked for a better day. I can sleep with a smile on my face tonight :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

good enough.

Today was a pretty long day, and ive been basically preparing myself for the past week and espeicially today, for tonight's aci spring concert! There was only ONE reason.. wait.. one GOOD reason, why i was looking forward to this night: after almost 11 months i finally get to see soup again ^^. As i came up on stage for my first performance of the night, i scanned the audience and maybe i just didnt see him, slowly, i began to doubt if he took back on his words and didnt come. As i finished that performance, i left the music rooms and walked into the audience and sat in the balcony. To my surprise while scanning the audience from the back. Soup was there! It was pretty much the happiest moment in my day, and i instantly started partially freaking out b/c i didnt kno how to react from all the.. craziness! I eventually had the guts to walk down to where he was sitting and sit 2 seats away from him (the 2 seats were taken). i waved and he waved back, and smiled. hahah. I think i probably died then :D
So, the night continued on, and my next performance wasnt until after intermission. I sneaked in a bit of my warm up time so i can actually talk to him say hi and whatever.. to other ppl i invited too ofc. But it was already 9 and it looked like soup was gonna go because he had somewhere to go to. I tried as hard as i can to not sound desperate to make him stay. afterall, inviting him to come was the only thing that wouldve made my day totally awesome even if i screwed up.. or something. Sadly, i quickly had to go back and i didnt get a chance to say bye to him or hug him before he left. (he left when i was warming up on stage)
So, i went to my performance after intermission, and when i looked to where Soup was supposed sitting / standing..., i saw him get up, and leave the aud. I was soo sad, it kinda felt like it didnt even matter if i did a good job for the rest of the concert or not. Ofc, performance after performance after that, i was looking for him but still no luck. I thought hed come back, but i guess not. Well, seeing him again was enough to put a smile on my face :) -sigh- so much for getting over someone. Feelings just cant be forced... cant force them to go away, as much as you might want them to, its harder than you think. It's always the little things of that person that remind you why you love them so much.. haha. ^^. It;s been fun/interesting/tiring all at the same time. only partially worth it but more than anything i couldve expected (audience wise). No one can tell what's gonna happen in the future, so all i can do is leave the rest to God :) "que sera sera"-whatever will be, will be-

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

pressure's on!

lol, well.. actually not THAT much pressure. but enough for me to be nervous for most concerts lol. It's gonna be a fun night tmr. (hopefully) and i hope i dont screw up, or else.. i might like totally go emo.. lol oh mann! : D