Wednesday, March 25, 2009

best to worst to even more..worse..

okay so, today.. when i woke up it felt like. it was the best day of my life. why? because just the night before i got an e-mail from gor. no.. it was not just any ordinary e-mail. I guess you guys wouldnt understand. all thats important is that... it made me really really...happy. :D then my day started to go downhill during lunch when i had to cram information for two subjects within 45 mins. and without breakfast and lunch.. which was. no good =( on top of that i had a huge headache. which made it even worse. Well, the day went on and in the evening there was the concert with elmer iselers. which, i have to admit.. was totally awesome! so, concert ended and went home.. ate dinner.. and all that .. blah blah blah.. went on my comp to check my e-mail. and... nothing from gor. which was.... quite, disappointing. I've been looking forward to that e-mail... the whole day, was kinda counting on it to make my day again.
Well, thinking that i still have time to study for my stupid french test, i decided to go on gor's facebook page.. and just scanned through it. but when i looked at that little box under the profile thing.... i read something that stunned me for like.... 5 whole minutes. swear i probably stopped breathing for a few seconds and just.. didnt move. damn. i dont even want to type out what it said. hopefully... what im thinking, in my mind its not true. argh i dont know. perhaps im thinking too much. For a slight moment i didnt know how i should react to that... or should i even react to it at all. To keep this simple..... it was an interesting 'surprise' that i wish i didnt have to see. but then again... a part of me is happy too..... wth, i just totally contradicted myself.

well... after going on gor's fb page. i kinda dont want to do anything else anymore.. cept, go and cry myself to sleep... yah. im going emo =. no... i dont kno. dang!! >:( i just want to talk to him again... i thought things were fixed. but now, im not sure.. This really sucks. cuz now, thats probably all im gonna be thinking about =(

1 comment:

  1. sherie hui ... don't be sad.

    you'll get to see him again soon, and all shall be fixed after you guys talk!! (: <3
