Thursday, April 30, 2009

ew to descision making!

i think im slowly getting lazier and lazier and summatives time is coming up. espeicially with so much music stuff to practice for and things to .. accomplish before um.. this year i guess? LOL. and most of it is from "partying" and staying up late, causing me to not want to wake up in the morning and go to school. haha. theres always the tempted feeling to skip class too.. =/

so yesterday was like, an epic waste of a planned day? kinda? lol... something close to that but not really.. kay anyway! macbeth was quite... bleh~~! at least i didnt fall asleep this time haha. Kay after that was done we(jL, SL,and i) went to meet (jL, aL, n?, and aj) and we just chilled downtown and killed so much time before finally decided we would walk to the closest baskin robbins to get the 31cent-deal .. it wasnt long before sL and i decided to head back up town cuz it was getting late, and she had to go back home.. haha so i was like.. meh, might as well... and we also wanted our 31cent ice cream... so STC would be the perfect place.. no long line.. *or so we thought:* we got there... saw the line.. and was like... "yeeeeaahh.. lets just go to.. yogen fruz/laura secord" , and i said, "oh, i have spc.. for laura secordd".... "okay, lets go there" hahah. so she went to buy her $3 ice cream.. without lining up for 1 1/2 hours. haha : D. She eventually left me at stc with nothing much to do until ppl from felly got there... i called them up and told them that the line up was uber long so i was being nice and started lining up for them. to make a long story short - the 1 1/2 hrs standing in that line by myself was the worst 1 1/2 hours of my whole entire life!! so complicated! so boring! and so... ohidogh! (whatever that means=/) well, after 1 1/2hrs i got my double scoop of citrus twist and choc. chip cookie dough. *mmm* ^^.

that night while i was recalling the events that happened throughout the day, a conversation i had with sL on the subway back kinda struck me. it was about asking soup to come to the ACI spring concert.... We came to a conclusion that if i invited soup she would invite BLM. at that moment it was like.... OKAY!! LETS DO IT! . but now its like.... "ahh... !!" Of course, no doubt i want him to come... but asking him is the hard part. how am i gonna ask him? i havent seen him in so long... sigh, and as cheesy/soft/girly/love-dovey/"so-not-me" as this next part might sound... i really really miss him =( and i really want him to come. im actually quite scared of asking him... mostly, scared of.. rejection? like.. what if he.. says no. or like what if he sounds... hesitant to come.. -sadface- it's come to a point now where... i dont even kno how to start up a good convo anymore, and im so bad with words. i will be uber sad face if hes not able to make it, cuz ierno what else i can do nemore.. everyone else coming wont even matter as much as soup coming.. Despite all these...'complications' i kinda promised sL i would ask, so im gonna ask him.. tomorrow... oh man!!!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


today was an uber long day.
-spent 12 hours partying at a friends house
-signed a massive card
-watched friend open our epic present
-met new people
-played intense truth or dare
-played failed frisbee
-came home uber late.
yea... that pretty sums up everything that i did today. its 2am, and i really should be sleeping. very very tired, but still blogging just for the .. sake of it? and because it wouldve taken up way too much time to type out everything in details.. so. G'NIGHTS !

Sunday, April 19, 2009

oh mann~ i just realized that i have not blogged online .. for the past.. however many days. No, actually, that was a partial lie.. i DID realize... i just didnt know that it was for so long.. haha. wow. lammee.. =.=

Anyhow.. HMMS... the past few months have been quite UN-eventful/boring/slow-paced.. ofc, there are definately the few days where i go out, have fun, and blehblehbleh.. no not literally, but k, i hope you understand what i mean... xD! Generally speaking, my life has been.... very... "repetitive"? you know.. like, the usualy. wake up, school, hwk, sleep, dinner, yeah ? prettyy much right... i guess so. And through looking back at all this.. i can not exactly pinpoint the exact reason to all of this. its just weird... even talking to some of my friends, ive been so lifeless... and ugh. so sad=( im such a horrible friend.. i dont kno how to cheer ppl up when theyre down, at times, i dont know how to continue a conversation, and personally... i hate leaving things like that so open-ended. often times, i want to say something, but i dont kno which words to use, and what to say... and this hasnt happen.. just once. its been quite consistent for the past few months, to ierno... maybe ALL my friends, whether they notice or not...idk, but its noticable to me. : and i apologize to everyone that i might've indirectly ignored, or have been a bit cold to them lately.. well, after thinking to myself and venting towards a few non-living objects... xD i think im better now.. haha. trying to think positive, and look happy, .... : DDDDD !!

hm, but life goes on right. so today was another sunday... today, i was determined to pay attention, and stay awake... in both sunday school and sunday sermon.. but after unconsciously sleeping at 4am the night before, i found that it was quite impossible, sunday school was not too bad... cuz i have people bside to give me that nudge once in a while... and i guess i did have my sugar in the morning..xD However, that did not last long, and as we proceeded to service, i looked at the bulletin and realized i was doing overhead... which also means... i was gonna be sitting in the front, right in front of my pastor.... this was terrible!! As much as i had tried to stay awake, it didnt happen... i was trying to hide behind the computer.. but yea. didnt work out so well... kinda hard to say.. "hope he didnt see me" considering that i was sitting in the front.. xD OH WELLS. so that eventually ended.. and like we usually do at redeemer on the third week, there's bball after.. i dont play with them but sometimes i hang around cuz my mom is at prayer meeting. Today was a bit different though. without having anything planned... i ended up going to lunch with LK, JH, and my pastor... seems pretty normal right? like having lunch with 3 ppl from church... quite normal. but no, not this lunch. it's probably the awkwardest/weirdest group of ppl i could ever ever EVER go with.. because... i guess you can say.. i havent always..."liked" these ppl.. UGH. in my mind on the way going there.. all i was thinking was.. oh man, its gonna be weird.. why did i come... ah, wheres gor.. =(. Upon sitting at the table, there was soo soo soo many awkward silences. and i hope i dont ever ever have to do that again. Not with only the four of us at least.....

Coming home after that it was quite chill.. watched some tv, went on the comp, and realized... "OH CRAP! i think i have an eng assignment due tmr" when this had crossed my mind, i went downstairs pulled out my english binder, looked at the asgnmnt sheet and decided.. nope, i am not gonna finish this by tmr, compromised with my laziness, looked at my comp, and came to the conclusion that im probably gonna skip.. or go early to school and talk to my teacher.. shes usually lenient towards these things..heh. such a slacker... K, after checking some e-mails and what not i was bored and tired and went to take a nap. I later found out that my nap lasted for 4 1/2 hours.. i slept at 6 and woke up at 10 30. actually.. my dad woke me up to tell me to eat dinner. When he woke me up. i was thinking.... WHAT THE HECK? ITS MORNING ALREADY? but. i looked out my window and it was still dark, so i was like.. huh? why did my dad wake me up at the middle of the night. but i looked at my phone, and i was like...=.= its 10 30, i guess i was just SOO tired, and so into my sleep and my bed is so compfy.. that i guess i lost track of time. wow, ive never done tat before.. haha. now i'll probably be up for a while.. or sleep again... since ive been losing so much sleep. xD

yea, i think im gonna do that now... haha. k.bye :D

Friday, April 10, 2009

spontaneously 'planned' adventure day.

so, how shall i start this? kay, anyway. today was such a totally awesome fun day.. haha
First... i woke up at 8 15, realizing i had to shower, and get ready and leave my house within 30 mins for my church;s good friday service. haha, yeahhh. that didnt happen. it was more like... by the time i figured out what i wanted to wear and finished showering it was already 30 mins. and i hear my dad rushing me to leave the house.. yea. we were actually on time for the service. but very very late for when we were supposed to get there.. espeicially when my parents had to help set up.... (oops.) hehe.

service finished exactly at 11:35, and so i decided to go and change and everything for sLO's baptism. and figured by the time i get there it would be around the same time they get there cuz they ttc-ed from stc to finch station.. hahaha. nice. anyway!!. i eventually got there and eventually found them. haha. timing was actually pretty good. xcept for the fact that we spent like 15mins calling and trying to look for eLAM who was already at finch station... -epic fail- once we had everyone together, we bused down to NTCBC for sLO's baptism/lunch. By the time we got there, half the lunch was already gone and most of it was cold. but still, it was good enough considering i didnt eat anything the whole morning.. haha! so, the day continued after that to sLO's baptism.. and the good friday service. i guess i was just too tired to sit thru another service. haha two services in a day is way to intense. haha.

Well, when that was over we (jL, eL, sL, sC, eW, aJ, bH) decided what we wanted to do.. some went home and... went off. hahah me, aJ, and sC decided to stay for a bit and chill until dinner haha.. we decided to go to TCMC because i guess we didnt want to wait for sLO, afterall, we wouldnt be doing anything anyway... haha. we bused to TCMC and sat thru their worship practice and sang along to chill and whatnot. it was quite relaxing haha. so, sharon finally came to meet back up with us... and when the practice ended we decided that we shall go for dinner... it took us a long while before we finally decided to get all you can eat sushi. Sadly, finding a place without a car, with all you can eat sushi on a friday and holiday under $20 was more difficult than i thought it would be.. hahah. So, heres when all the reall craziness begins!.

After sC calling a friend for a place, we made the descision to go to Tenichi at Markham Rd. and Sheppard. and we bused there from McCowan and 401. Fortunately, with all the talking and chilling together, the bus didnt take too long and we arrived at our destination. Before entering this restaurant, we figured. we should probably check the prices before going in.... tunrs out it was wayy over our budget. Partially stranded out at Markham Rd. an Sheppard with transfers that dont work, we had to find another all you can eat sushi place that fit all the requirements. Once again, we had to go thru the whole process and the bus was just a few metres away... and we werent even close to the bus stop.=/ Thankfully, the bus driver stopped in the middle of the road for us and we actually decided on the next place we could go to eat ON the bus ride... which was... Hyakka at Middlefield and Steeles. So, we got off the Sheppard bus at Middlefield and were trying to figure out if we should bus.. or walk to our destination. After a long enough period of time, we finally got on the bus.. hahah yesh! and its a good thing we didnt walk cuz it probably wouldve taken us a while. haha, Anyway. we got to Hyakka, and finally got seated and satisfied with the place.. *PHEWWWW* !

Jap buffet is always good... (well, most of the time) and dinner with friends is always fun. This dinner with this group of friends was totally awesomeee!! ahaha.,, way too much fun over raw food, rice, shrimp, and beef... hahah! I dont think we lasted 3 mins straight without bursting into laughter. and seriously.... i think we were like.. the loudest table there.. but not the biggest. hahah! Todays lesson: While eating at jap buffet...or any place where you might eat excessively... DO NOT drink or eat food while laughing... cuz, this will result in... bleh! bleh! bleh!.. which when translated into normal english means.. puke/barf. hahah yesh. i puked from laughing too hard and drinking coke at the same time... hahah.. BAD BAD BAD ideaa! i think after that, almost everyone was full and almost felt like barfing... hehhe.. well... As we called our last round of food and dessert, we were just chilling and talking and trying not to laugh.. haha. this was almost close to impossibilty .. but no one actually barfed... hahaha!
the day was long and tiring. but in the end all worth it and so much fun. espeicially when fellowshipping with brothers and sisters in Christ:D

So, that was my day in 5 short paragraphs.. haha. in total... i spent... $25 and 1..2...3..4...5.. 6... bus tickets... SIX BUS TICKETS. in one day... thats riDONKulous.. ahah probably like 3 more that was needed if we had everything figured out before hand. Nonetheless this day of spontaneous-nessss and adventure with friends was totally coolll!! haha......

Saturday, April 4, 2009

déja vu ... (ish)

Hm, for some reason it feels like i havent blogged in like the longest time. but actually i just didnt blog for ... one day haha
maybe it was because yesterday felt like.. a really long night, and this morning was quite dreadful. yesterday, we went out to Montana's Cookhouse to get some "traditional canadian food" according to my uncle so we dont always have to eat chinese food / home-cooked food. haha It's nice, since my uncle and aunt have gotten here weve gone out for dinner.. everyday haha... yeh so pricey xD It was kinda interestting haha, felt like a translator... wait, i was a translator. nonetheless.. it was still very very fun eating ribs, wings, mashed potatoes and speaking canto in a "white" restaurant.. haha :DD

So, today i went to the annual Teens Conference Appreciation Dinner. Although, technically not really 'annual' for me because it was my first one.. haha but im pretty sure they do it every year lol. anywayyy! App. Dinner was fun, it was good. but not the greatest, i have to admit... for some reason i kinda expected more from it... lol, but then again, how much can you expect from a dinner at a church hosted by asians? = (sigh, so stereotypical) kay. not the point. Well. It was nice to see all of my fellow co captains and friends again. Just when the spiritual high of TC was dying down, theres nothing like an app dinner with all your tc volunteers.. to "hype" it all up again rightt ?? haha... hmm.. yeeeh. pretty much i guess. But it shouldnt be about the hype, cuz yeah, everyday should be a TC spiritual high. Sadly, thats easier said than done. .. ...

After app dinner, i decided i would go to fellowship because i was assuming they wouldnt be done yet and it was a lot easier for me to get a ride home. Plus, Jon... and courtney was going back anyway, so, why not? During this ride in Jon;s car.. so many things.. were going through my mind. It's frustratiing, annoying at times. I dont get it, how come after spending so much time with him, and having him be one of my coaches (which wasnt my idea), why is it still so hard to... be 'friends' with him. Hm, yes, its probably because i still greatly dislike him. Ha, i didnt even think it was possible after spending so much time with him.. but i guess it is. honestly, i tried... but its just not working.. and it feels like the more he tries to talk to me.. or approach me, the more i feel like hes bugging me. If it's one thing that i really really hate, is when people are forcing things instead of letting it come naturally and thats exactly what jon is doing right now. So, even though i pretended to like him, in the end. i guess it just wasnt good enough. As soon as i was done... thinking about that... =/ we got to fellowship. To my surprise, when i got there i saw some of my friends from another church's (TCMC) fellowship i was going to a few weeks back. It was pretty cool. Of course by the time we got there fellowship was already over so we just ended up chilling for a bit. Turned out that my time of -chilling- was spent with my friends from TCMC. and introducing them to Redeemer ppl. we ended up just talking with each other until .. i had to leave. The conversation we had was quite relaxing. haha it was very.. natural to talk to them. Note that, ive only met/seen/talked to them once.

In the car ride home, i was thinking to myself.. how weird it was to talk to people from another church for so incredibly long when i can only talk to ppl from my own church for only like... 5-10 mins? It put a lot of new thoughts into my head to make me think if it was really time to change churches. Afterall, a small change wouldnt hurt much and i get to see how other churches are run too.. It will be sad to leave Redeemer...and if things dont get better, i probably will be better off at another church.. but all those memories with Redeemer.. and starting fresh somewhere else.. is it really worth it...? Im not sure..

I guess, only time can tell. We'll see where God wants to me to go. Afterall... in Jeremiah 29:11, it says: ["For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."] yes, just gotta believe.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

a day well spent!

Wow, what a nice day today, so.. eventful..
Hm, i woke up quite early because my parents were cleaning the house, preparing for my Aunt & Uncle who arrived from Hong Kong in the afternoon... and i had to shower before i left my house today...=/ xD
well, anyway. I left my house and bused down to Kennedy Station to meet up with JL so we can bus to Eatons and meet up with AL and AC. It was quite interesting TTC-ing down there. it passed by a lot faster than i'd expected it would. which is good. cuz it means that the conversation was good... right? right. okkkaayy arha : D
Well, we got down there we were supposed to meet at Old Navy and we just assumed AL and AC werent there yet, and for some odd reason we thought Old Navy was outside... so we decided to walk out to Dundas. It only took us 5 mins to realize "wait... Old Navy is INSIDE," so we went back inside to Old Navy, and only waited for like... 2 minutes until AL and AC showed up. haa. It was nice because i havent seen AL in um, lol.. 2 weeks xD but yeah. it was still pretty cool. haha
After a while of standing outside of Old Navy, We'd decided we'd actually walk around Eatons...(whoa really?) hah yesh. but that slowly failed because both me and AL was at Eatons the day before and didnt really feel like shopping.. so, we ended up taking a short walk downtown... i think we went in some sort of circle... and we ended up taking a seat at Nathan Phillips Square... we were just sitting there talking for about 45 mins. um.. looking at some guy feed birds, talking, and watching JL and AL "bully" each other... it was entertaing.. LOL. After sitting for almost an hour we went to get something to eat. haha, and how conveniently there was like 5 stand of street meat close to where we were sitting and thats what we ate. haha it was good :D We went back to the bench and ate our.. lunch and eventually headed back into Eatons for quick round around Indigo, Disney Store, and Aldo's accessories before i had to leave to TTC back to school.. for Jazz.. haha

I didnt get lost.. Although, the ride back by myself felt like it would never end.. haha. Still, i somehow ended up at school on time.. yay? By the time i finished changing for the concert and all that, the bus was finally here. The ride to Massey Hall felt wayyy quicker than it shouldve. I think the bus driver was speeding like crazy though.. HAH. We got down to Massey Hall and realized we were 10 mins early for the Restaurant reservations at Frans . so we waited outside.. lol, Finally we got into the restaurant WITH our instruments.. sat down and the food was not that bad, pretty good actually. haha its always fun to eat with ppl you dont usually eat with just to see what they ordered. lol. what i found rly funny was that CT ordered a FULL RACK OF RIBS.... so hardcore xD Hm, we ate with our principal and his superintendent which was quite awkward... but yea, they and the teachers had their own conversation anyway. lol. It was time to go, and our principal actually treated all of us to dinner... (oh man! so priceyyy) that was really nice of him. haha

The actual performance at Massey Hall was pretty awesome. The acoustics were amazing! and it felt nice to play loud in such a big Hall. haha. It was fun not only cuz we got to accompany a mass choir and got to play loud, but because i'll probably never be pro enough to play at that Hall again. :D
I came home and my mom, uncle and aunt picked me up from school and went to T&T for some late night shopping haha. Kinda sad that i didnt spend that much time with them yet and i probably wont have that much time to spend with them cuz i still have school and they'll most likely be travelling around. Still, it was nice to see them again after so long.

Even though it was a lot of busing up and down and up and down again and also really really energy draining.. It was a totally uber awesome day. haha : D