Thursday, April 30, 2009

ew to descision making!

i think im slowly getting lazier and lazier and summatives time is coming up. espeicially with so much music stuff to practice for and things to .. accomplish before um.. this year i guess? LOL. and most of it is from "partying" and staying up late, causing me to not want to wake up in the morning and go to school. haha. theres always the tempted feeling to skip class too.. =/

so yesterday was like, an epic waste of a planned day? kinda? lol... something close to that but not really.. kay anyway! macbeth was quite... bleh~~! at least i didnt fall asleep this time haha. Kay after that was done we(jL, SL,and i) went to meet (jL, aL, n?, and aj) and we just chilled downtown and killed so much time before finally decided we would walk to the closest baskin robbins to get the 31cent-deal .. it wasnt long before sL and i decided to head back up town cuz it was getting late, and she had to go back home.. haha so i was like.. meh, might as well... and we also wanted our 31cent ice cream... so STC would be the perfect place.. no long line.. *or so we thought:* we got there... saw the line.. and was like... "yeeeeaahh.. lets just go to.. yogen fruz/laura secord" , and i said, "oh, i have spc.. for laura secordd".... "okay, lets go there" hahah. so she went to buy her $3 ice cream.. without lining up for 1 1/2 hours. haha : D. She eventually left me at stc with nothing much to do until ppl from felly got there... i called them up and told them that the line up was uber long so i was being nice and started lining up for them. to make a long story short - the 1 1/2 hrs standing in that line by myself was the worst 1 1/2 hours of my whole entire life!! so complicated! so boring! and so... ohidogh! (whatever that means=/) well, after 1 1/2hrs i got my double scoop of citrus twist and choc. chip cookie dough. *mmm* ^^.

that night while i was recalling the events that happened throughout the day, a conversation i had with sL on the subway back kinda struck me. it was about asking soup to come to the ACI spring concert.... We came to a conclusion that if i invited soup she would invite BLM. at that moment it was like.... OKAY!! LETS DO IT! . but now its like.... "ahh... !!" Of course, no doubt i want him to come... but asking him is the hard part. how am i gonna ask him? i havent seen him in so long... sigh, and as cheesy/soft/girly/love-dovey/"so-not-me" as this next part might sound... i really really miss him =( and i really want him to come. im actually quite scared of asking him... mostly, scared of.. rejection? like.. what if he.. says no. or like what if he sounds... hesitant to come.. -sadface- it's come to a point now where... i dont even kno how to start up a good convo anymore, and im so bad with words. i will be uber sad face if hes not able to make it, cuz ierno what else i can do nemore.. everyone else coming wont even matter as much as soup coming.. Despite all these...'complications' i kinda promised sL i would ask, so im gonna ask him.. tomorrow... oh man!!!

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