Saturday, April 4, 2009

déja vu ... (ish)

Hm, for some reason it feels like i havent blogged in like the longest time. but actually i just didnt blog for ... one day haha
maybe it was because yesterday felt like.. a really long night, and this morning was quite dreadful. yesterday, we went out to Montana's Cookhouse to get some "traditional canadian food" according to my uncle so we dont always have to eat chinese food / home-cooked food. haha It's nice, since my uncle and aunt have gotten here weve gone out for dinner.. everyday haha... yeh so pricey xD It was kinda interestting haha, felt like a translator... wait, i was a translator. nonetheless.. it was still very very fun eating ribs, wings, mashed potatoes and speaking canto in a "white" restaurant.. haha :DD

So, today i went to the annual Teens Conference Appreciation Dinner. Although, technically not really 'annual' for me because it was my first one.. haha but im pretty sure they do it every year lol. anywayyy! App. Dinner was fun, it was good. but not the greatest, i have to admit... for some reason i kinda expected more from it... lol, but then again, how much can you expect from a dinner at a church hosted by asians? = (sigh, so stereotypical) kay. not the point. Well. It was nice to see all of my fellow co captains and friends again. Just when the spiritual high of TC was dying down, theres nothing like an app dinner with all your tc volunteers.. to "hype" it all up again rightt ?? haha... hmm.. yeeeh. pretty much i guess. But it shouldnt be about the hype, cuz yeah, everyday should be a TC spiritual high. Sadly, thats easier said than done. .. ...

After app dinner, i decided i would go to fellowship because i was assuming they wouldnt be done yet and it was a lot easier for me to get a ride home. Plus, Jon... and courtney was going back anyway, so, why not? During this ride in Jon;s car.. so many things.. were going through my mind. It's frustratiing, annoying at times. I dont get it, how come after spending so much time with him, and having him be one of my coaches (which wasnt my idea), why is it still so hard to... be 'friends' with him. Hm, yes, its probably because i still greatly dislike him. Ha, i didnt even think it was possible after spending so much time with him.. but i guess it is. honestly, i tried... but its just not working.. and it feels like the more he tries to talk to me.. or approach me, the more i feel like hes bugging me. If it's one thing that i really really hate, is when people are forcing things instead of letting it come naturally and thats exactly what jon is doing right now. So, even though i pretended to like him, in the end. i guess it just wasnt good enough. As soon as i was done... thinking about that... =/ we got to fellowship. To my surprise, when i got there i saw some of my friends from another church's (TCMC) fellowship i was going to a few weeks back. It was pretty cool. Of course by the time we got there fellowship was already over so we just ended up chilling for a bit. Turned out that my time of -chilling- was spent with my friends from TCMC. and introducing them to Redeemer ppl. we ended up just talking with each other until .. i had to leave. The conversation we had was quite relaxing. haha it was very.. natural to talk to them. Note that, ive only met/seen/talked to them once.

In the car ride home, i was thinking to myself.. how weird it was to talk to people from another church for so incredibly long when i can only talk to ppl from my own church for only like... 5-10 mins? It put a lot of new thoughts into my head to make me think if it was really time to change churches. Afterall, a small change wouldnt hurt much and i get to see how other churches are run too.. It will be sad to leave Redeemer...and if things dont get better, i probably will be better off at another church.. but all those memories with Redeemer.. and starting fresh somewhere else.. is it really worth it...? Im not sure..

I guess, only time can tell. We'll see where God wants to me to go. Afterall... in Jeremiah 29:11, it says: ["For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."] yes, just gotta believe.

1 comment:

  1. (: sherie, churches are meant for spiritual growth, you know that. the church isn't a building - the church is comprised of God's people. if you feel like you're not being supported by the church, then maybe switching isn't a bad idea. after all, what's the point of seeing these people week after week after week if all they do is irritate you - let alone help you grow in Christ? keep praying! (: God will help you in your darkest times.
